
How To Tag a Great White Shark: Veritasium

Check out Audible:
Veritasium second channel:
Rodney Fox Shark Attack Story:

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

North Atlantic Right Whale

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Hydro-thermal Vents

This video shows the importance of Hydro-thermal vents in the world and explain how they are formed.
This is a picture of extremophile bacteria found near the vents that could plausibly survive on other planets.

This is a picture of a "black smoker" vent taken during a WHOI research dive 

Thursday, December 12, 2013

The Neutral Invasion of Jellyfish: What Has Caused This Population Boom?



Thursday, December 5, 2013

Mysteries of the Hagfish: Scientists film hagfish anti-shark slime weapon

Massey University

New Zealand

Epic Wildlife


Great Lakes

Sea Lampreys

Marine Ornamental Collection in Indonesia & PBS Corals!

PBS: Microscopic World of Corals: Winning Photos from Bonaire: Aquarium:

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Recent News & Cleaning Stations & Barotrauma

Barracuda Cleaning Station:
....under Kapalai Jetty Sabah Malaysia

Is Barotrauma Keeping You Up?:

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Friday, February 1, 2013

New Ways to Look at the Ocean 2013

Visualizing GEBCO Peter Morse on VIMEO: Where Has All The Sea Ice Gone: Ignatius Rigor Prodeuced This Film: Gibralter Strait: As the tides slosh back and forth over the narrow Strait of Gibraltar, the water must go up and over the shallow sill between Europe and Africa that separates the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea, GENERATING GIANT WAVES. Crests are formed on the left hand side of the sill and then propagate to the right. And you can even see the waves getting all squished as they go through the narrow constriction that is the Strait of Gibraltar. As flow sloshes over the hump, waves are generated at the rainbow interface of the fresher surface layer (blue) with the saltier deep layer (red). And it is a gorgeous train of waves that heads to the right. A bunch of wiggles heading eastward where they will eventually break somewhere in the Mediterranean. Deep Sea Angler: