
Thursday, September 16, 2010

CNN Alien's of the Deep

CNN's Eco Solutions Story

"CNN -- Fewer than 300 boats in the world are destroying the deep sea, the largest reservoir of biodiversity on Earth. They are wiping off the map deepwater coral reefs and sponge beds thousands of years old as they chase their lucrative quarry: a few highly priced fish, known to be extremely vulnerable to over-fishing because they are long-lived, slow-growing and late at reproducing.
The entirety of the deep-sea catch, without exception, is sold to rich industrialized countries that certainly don't need those fish. And deep-sea bottom trawling continues despite a scientific consensus that emphasizes how utterly unsustainable and destructive this fishing practice is.
In blatant ignorance of science and oblivious to common sense, bottom trawling -- or "bulldozing," as it should be called -- goes on with the complicity of our governments and our own support."

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