
Monday, October 25, 2010

UCSB Student Dies From Shark Attack

Read the News from ABC and CBS on our Shark News From October!
UCSB Student Dies From Shark Attack:

NPR Story:

ABC News Reports:

KEY News:

Vandenberg/Lompoc - Federal and State Fish and Game officials are working to identify the type of shark which attacked and killed a local student off Surf Beach near Vandenberg Air Force Base. The shark was described as being 14 to 20 feet in length. Experts should be able to determine by the bite marks on the "boogie board", and the victim, are that of a Great White or another type of shark. So far they have not made any announcement. Meantime, beaches in the area remain closed this weekend. 19-year-old Lucas Ransom, a UCSB student, died Friday morning when the shark bit off his leg while he paddled some 100 feet from shore. The massive wound caused him to bleed to death. - KEY News

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